Digital footage kept with the Louisiana Secretary of State. Can be searched online, but only viewable on site. Some footage indexed does not match footage in system, or does not exist.
Digital footage kept with the Louisiana Secretary of State. Can be searched online, but only viewable on site. Some footage indexed does not match footage in system, or does not exist.
No access given to me at the time. Film is not visible to the public without paying fees associated with digitization, but it is unclear how much film there is and what those fees are for digitization. The only thing accessible to the public are the log books. While they report to have footage from 1948-1995, there are no log books for those dates, and therefore there is no evidence as to what footage exists or not open to non-archive employees. There is no viewing equipment on site.
Archive employees state that they have reel footage, but it is unclear if footage was aired or not.