Wilbur Kurtz’s Archival Description:
(11) Hardy Ivy’s Cabin. Near this spot stood the cabin of hewn logs, erected by Hardy Ivy, the first resident in the present down-town area of Atlanta. Land Lot 51 was purchased by him from James Paden, Jan. 1, 1839. Ivy St. takes its name from this pioneer citizen.
(Edgar Lafayette Ivy – grandson of Hardy – told the writer – July 3rd, 1937 – that Hardy Ivy built his cabin of hewn logs on the high ground between two hundred and three hundred feet north of Auburn Avenue, at a point – 1. In the middle of Ivy St. 2. Just East of Ivy St. a short distance. 3. Just West of Ivy St. a short distance. This marker would not be far from the correct site if it were emplaced on the Ivy St. front of the new Toll Bldg. – at the North end of same – where the iron fence begins. E.L. Ivy is the son of Henry P. Ivy whose house stood for many years at the N.E. cor. Pryor and Auburn – in Hardy Ivy’s Land Lot 51. This statement by E.L. Ivy is information he derived from his father, and we deem it the …
Newspaper Description: